A travel-obsessed, boy crazy nerd with a love of all things old-fashioned, weird and cultured-looking.
Hobbies: When procrastinating: Watching
TV, eating food, sleeping, Facebook stalking, tumblr, creeping blogs, watching videos and music(which is my life)
When actually being productive: Speech/Debate, a few
sports that don't get me in shape, traveling, volunteering and of course, being with friends!
Favourite weird
snack: Wasabi and cheese on crackers (ITS GOOD I SWEAR)
Obsession: 90210, Australian /Danish boys, Christmas, and guinea fowl
Celebrity you would
marry: Matthew Gray Gubler, Oliver from Whip It, Seth McFarlane and Bill Hader <3
Dream job: Travel writer
or one of those people that rides in the indoor airport cars
Dream date: A trip to
downtown, starting at my favourite tea shop; or a folk festival.
5 Things no one
knows about you: 1) I collect coins and postcards 2) I hate tomatoes 3) I greatly enjoy Renaissance music 4) I think Victorian-style dress is amazing 5)
I have never said the name "Macbeth" out loud out of superstition.
A wanna-be artist and dreamer; the biggest fangirl and probably the lamest person you'll meet.
Hobbies: Drawing, animation, writing, computer-techy stuff, sports, tumblr, YouTube, researching, reading, TV shows, MUN, acting, comic books, baking & cooking, hanging out with friends, photography, and playing ukulele, piano and drums.
Favourite weird snack: Graham crackers with cream cheese and frozen raspberries on top (yum~)
Secret Obsession: Neil Patrick Harris, copic markers,cats, outer-space and adventure time (Finn < 3333)
Celebrity you would marry: ^ Neil Patrick Harris (shush, he's adorable), Matthew Perry, Matt Le Blanc
Dream job: Astronaut, actor, or animator
Dream date: Dinner at a nice restaurant,s targazing, movie night in, or a road-trip somewhere
5 Things no one knows about you: 1) I hate potatoes 2) I love learning 3) I want my PhD 4) Sometimes I write super embarrassing poetry 5) I have a thing for elf-like boys <33333333
mythology loving, travel obsessed, lip product junkie, DIY doing, dreaming fairy tale fanatic
Hobbies: Martial arts, knitting, watching movies, reading, gallavanting, adventuring, stargazing (even though I actually don't know the stars), building things (IKEA workers ain't got nothing on me), creating scenarios in my mind and knowing they'll never happen, fantasizing about people who will never acknowledge my existence, acting, procrastination, shopping, buying lip stuff, giving health and beauty advice, looking at nice houses, saying words weirdly, and DIYs
Secret Obsession: Supernatural, medical TV shows that you probably have never heard of (hipster bluebird is hipster), and acting hipster in my head in terms of hobbies and the ever growing franchise of movies, books and films (I liked archery wayyyy before The Hunger Games)
Celebrity you would marry: Jensen Ackles if he were my age and exactly like Dean from Supernatural, that cute singer from Pitch Perfect
Dream job: Weapons specialist/poison and medicine specialist, searching for plants and animals in the rainforest that have crazy awesome medical powers, getting paid to a) go shopping b) test out LUSH products c) testing out products (flamethrower vs microwave anyone? HELL YES)
Dream date: Dean Winchester, getting ready to go monster hunting while Sam is out
gallavanting and buying coffee. But in reality, carnivals, group date with all my friends, or just going around a magical city like Manhattan or Venice and having fun all Disney-montage style
5 Things no one knows about you: 1) I have really mentally crazy emotional breakdowns once a year
2) I have this strange obsession with shooting games 3) I have a fear of automatic doors, clowns, and being tickled 4) I still believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and the Sandman (although I think I might have done something to offend him. Haven't had a good night sleep in ages) 5) I absolutely love watching Disney movies, and occasionally torture myself by watching sad scenes from Disney (Monsters Inc, the Lion King and Mulan 2?) BONUS) I have never had my first kiss. And I would love for it to be when the ball drops at midnight on New Years
An awkward person who makes random faces and sounds at times when people look, gave up on beautiful boys and went for horses instead
Hobbies: horsey stuff, making random hipster things, making and eating cookies and in the process making my family fat too
Favourite weird snack: salad dressings and random veggies
Secret Obsession: watching makeup/fashion people on youtube, adventure time Finn thoughts, cheesy free youtube movies hats
Celebrity you would marry: finn!!!!!!!!! ( and yes he is a celebrity)
Dream job: vet, working at free people, being a horse
Dream date: picnic, 17th stuff, backpacking trip, bareback ride into summer sunset (cheesy)
Things no one knows about you: 1.) I hate sad movies as I cry....a lot 2.) I stalk people know much more about them than what they think 3.) I want to go to bed and cannot think anymore so will do later
A wanna-be hipster who is totally out of touch with the world of reality and spends time running and dreaming of....everything
Hobbies: Running
(and obsessing over it to bug my family), pretending to be a hermit in the
outdoors, drawing and making random art pieces, figure Skating, hipster
photography, tumbler, creeping random hipster peoples and wishing I was them,
drinking tea and eating weird healthily eco food and I guess spending my free time
bugging my friends
Favourite weird
snack: Pickled herring
Secret Obsession: Anything
and everything to do with Denmark or Danish people
Celebrity you would
marry: "The red haired, gypsy danish boy from Denmark" (ok he's not
a celebrity... but in my dreams he is)
Dream job: Doctor
working in third world countries, National gGographic photographer and just
travelling the world randomly
Dream Date:
Backpacking on the West Coast Trail,r oad trip, night out under the stars
5 Things no one
knows about you: 1) I am absolutely terrified of maggots (the only
thing that makes me scream) 2) I want to get dreadlocks (it will happen) 3)
knees creep me out 4) I still secret still believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny 5)
I only wore dresses untill grade four